📦Your first delivery

This workflow starts at Odoo web as assigning drivers to the orders can be done either manually or based on the dispatch rules.

To create a dispatch rule, see the Creating a dispatch rule guide.

When left unassigned, drivers using Nextway Mobile App can see the job order as unassigned and they can accept the job order for themselves. The workflow ends with the job order assigned and completed using the Nextway Mobile App.

Driver assignment in Odoo

Self-assignment using Nextway Mobile App

From the app, tap "Unassigned" tab.

Then, check all the details. Once everything checks out, tap "Accept".

After a few moment, the job should now be assigned.

After a while, the screen will change to the drop-off screen.

Completing the order

Drop off

Once the driver is at the customer's designated delivery address, the driver then taps on "Drop off" button to mark the order.

Menu items are also available to the driver now as the job order is for drop off.

Collect payment

Add a few notes. Collect the payment from the customer. And tap "Collect".

Validating delivery in Odoo

Checking the order in Odoo, the drop off and collection of payment actions by the driver in the Nextway Driver App also updates the log.

Clicking on the "Delivery" button, set the quantities done in delivery and click "Validate".

And finally the delivery is complete.


At this section, we have learned the following:

  1. Assigning driver manually and automatically based on dispatch rules in Odoo

  2. Self-assignment using the Driver Nextway App

  3. Drop off and collection

  4. Validating and completing the delivery in Odoo

Last updated